Here at The Barley Twist soap company we are always experimenting with ingredients that are slightly off the beaten track of traditional soap making.

Along with our classic recipes we strive to bring our best quality products to you.


      The Barley Twist Soap Company



To Get in touch or 

Make an Order go to

the contact page or


You can also find us on 

Face book



*Orders over £30 get free postage & packing*



                 **Easier ways to pay** 

     Introducing izettle, pay by debit/credit card 

     using an e-mail address or mobile number


 *Order via the contact page/message us on face book 

                   or call us on 07990634999*          


             *Payment can be made via Paypal - 

            or izettle pay link or bank transfer



           *SOAP BOXES - £16.50 With free postage

                                & packing*                                        



                 Upcoming events

               & order collections


                                        Where to find us:


Having an event?, craft fairs, family fun day, dog show?

We love attending local community events, send us an e-mail & we can check our diary.

Bringing The Barley Twist Soap Company to you & your community.  




Get in touch via the contact page or by 

              Phone 07990634999









To Get in touch or 

Make an Order go to

the contact page or


You can also find us on 

Face book



*Orders over £30 get free postage & packing*








                July 2024




            August 2024




          September 2024




            October 2024




                November 2024




             December 2024              





Welcome to...

     The Blog.....











 Q - Do your soaps contain LANOLIN?

 A - No, we don't use Lanolin, tallow or any other animal products in our soaps.

Lanolin (from Latin lāna, ‘wool’, and oleum, ‘oil’), also called wool wax or wool grease, is a wax secreted by the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing animals.

We use olive, Sunflower & Coconut oil, our products contain vegetable & mineral based ingredients & no animal fats or ingredients derived from them.

This also makes our products vegan friendly & suitable for vegetarians with the exception of our Honey & Oatmeal soap, whilst containing natural honey it is the only ingrediant that is not suitable for vegans but is fine for vegetarians.




                Customer feed back 


What our customers are saying about our products..



* Leaves skin feeling smooth and moisturised. (Lavender soap bar)
* I like the rustic look and feel. (Orange soap bar)
* Silky & creamy, makes a fabulous face wash - highly recommended for pore reduction.
(Witch hazel & Aloe Vera soap bar)
* This is definitely a "beauty bar", improved my mature skin enormously.
(Witch hazel & Aloe Vera soap bar)
* Love the texture & lather. (Summer fruits soap bar)
We first saw your soaps at the Lincoln Christmas Fair last December. They're all used up now, so time to replace them and give some to friends! 




We are proud members of the guild of craft soap & toiletry makers.



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© The Barley Twist Soap Company